Innovative, reliable software solutions that meet today’s legal and medical challenges.

Eagle Software is Trusted By

Ensuring worker’s compensation claims are correctly valued, to the penny, since 1994.
For people injured at work, there are many complex variables that can dramatically affect the value of a worker’s compensation claim. Before our software solution, insurance companies and attorneys often resorted to estimations that significantly over-valued or under-valued a claim. In 1994, Eagle Software merged the computational information from the Florida worker’s compensation statute (and applicable case law) with a standardized data entry form and robust financial operations to calculate a penny accurate value of a worker’s compensation claim. Today, WorkersComputation is the leading worker’s compensation calculation software used by attorneys, insurance companies, and governmental agencies.
years in service
computations per year
$188 billion
in claims computed
Created an innovative platform for prescription drug monitoring programs, including a patented algorithm for assessing risk.
In 2011, the opioid epidemic was sweeping the nation, and providers were struggling to access and understand state prescription drug monitor programs (PDMPs). Eagle Software worked with state agencies, health information exchanges, and hospital systems to design and implement NarxCheck, the nation’s first automated query and in-workflow access of a PDMP. A now-patented risk-scoring system was developed and incorporated to alleviate bias and raise awareness to potentially dangerous situations. After acquisition by a major multi-national company, NarxCheck has become the nation’s leading PDMP platform.

US Patent
users nationwide
50 million
patient encounters per month

Healthcare Software Subsidiary
Developing user-friendly software purpose-built for clinicians and their patients.
Much of today’s healthcare information technology (HIT) was developed primarily for billing and coding, leaving it complex and time-consuming to use. When clinicians spend more of their time performing searches and entering data, they get less time to provide actual clinical care for their patients. To create HIT solutions that instead prioritize the needs of clinicians and their patients, Eagle Software launched CliniCentric, a subsidiary company dedicated to building software with a clinical first approach. The first products of the venture were the in-workflow Convergence API and RadsCheck, an appropriate use and radiation safety application. RadsCheck has aggregated more than 20 million radiology studies from over 30 hospitals. Every day, the Convergence API provides over 15,000 patient-specific radiation safety scores to busy clinicians. Clinicians access interactive and graphically enhanced radiology data with a single click and make better, more informed imaging choices for their patients.
patient encounters per day
20 million+
radiology studies processed
hospitals providing radiology data
Get in Touch
Let us transform your ideas and requirements into an innovative, comprehensive software solution. Fill out the form below for a free consultation.